Release Candidates :: DSL v2.4RC1

Quote (ZoOp @ April 14 2006,05:45)
- rdesktop: is there an up to date version of this lovely program in order to get a better resolution than only 800x600?

The rdesktop in DSL has the better resolutions, and more. Type "rdesktop -h" for more info.

... a-ma-zing
thanks a lot RandyB, it helps me a lot.

please add USB ADSL modem support
thank you!

Quote (roberts @ April 19 2006,09:40)
When I load and run the Opera 8.5 cloop, it opens a window with the top or program bar above the top of the screen.  I can resize the window or I can minimize it, but when I minimize it goes out of the viewable area and you can't get it back.  You also can't move the window if you can't grab the title bar.

I believe the usual way to handle this in fluxbox is...

You don't need to grab the title bar to move a window.
You can press Alt and Left mouse button to move a window.

When you minimize a window, you can get it back by clicking on its title in the center section of the fluxbox task bar located at the bottom of the screen.

Thanks for the key combo to try.
It's probably something with the .uci file for Opera 8.5, but it doesn't put anything in the taskbar.!!   I said, "Holy crap!! Where did the app go?"

After using the 'run program' option quiet a lot, I would like to suggest a systematization of input commands to give in the run program.

F.ex.: in order to run firefox, I just have to tipe


It is the same for Emelfm or dillo (just examples). But, as Robert kindly teaches me, I have to tipe


in order to run rdesktop. Tipping rdesktop only won't work.

It would be great to harmonize all input commands in order for users to only tipe names of apps, and not sometimes names, sometimes full extensions. Thank you so much for keeping up the great work.

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