Release Candidates :: DSL v2.4RC1
/me gushes
That's what has kept me with 2.1b...the kernel version I'm not so concerned about, but having the ability to run a dozen UCI apps at once is killer.
"User"-less uci...I assume that will quell the little tar error when loading certain uci packages at boot?
time to start cranking out more mountable packages....
64 cloops sounds like a challenge. Are there even 64 *.uci files to try to load?
That lua cgi stuff is really creative. For some small things that might be perfect.
I noticed that when you enable the monkey daemon and load you have a new page, which looks so much better than the default did before. It doesn't look correct in Dillo, though, because the background in that frame doesn't turn black so the white lettering becomes invisible. In firefox it looks fine.
There is still a problem with Fluxter and the DSl->Window Manager->restart option. I'm sorry, since I can see it just calls the Restart from fluxbox and I can't see a clean way to go from that to something that tells fluxbox to restart and then loads fluxter. Could you add it somehow using the rootCommand: in the Styles? Something that would kill fluxter if loaded and then reload it? Or is there a better way?
I missed that great Icontool option in the desktop menu in previous releases. I love the double click option for icons instead of the single click. Belated thanks.
64 cloops again!!
Jumping for joy.. \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o/
what's a cloop, sorry my ignorance but i have no idea what 64 cloop is for, neither what UCI applications are
please explain
thank you
cloop = compressed loopback device (/dev/cloop0, /dev/cloop1, etc)
uci = compressed image (or compressed iso?)
uci is a type of myDSL extension, which is mounted rather than installed. The cloop devices are used to mount the uci images. The more cloop devices available, the more uci images you can have mounted simultaneously.
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