Release Candidates :: DSLv3.0RC1

I'm trying to try that opera.unc but can't get it work. I highlight it and press the myDSL button and see "end of output" but no opera. Am i doing it wrong?
did you use unionfs as boot option at boot?

Quote (kerry @ May 30 2006,06:32)
I'm trying to try that opera.unc but can't get it work. I highlight it and press the myDSL button and see "end of output" but no opera. Am i doing it wrong?

Did you log in as 'dsl' or as 'root'?.
I am writing this from Opera just downloaded as user 'dsl' from a HD ( virtual!) install  of DSL3.0 RC1. It was a 'one click install' followed by another click on the Opera icon that appeared on the desktop..

Can someone you tell us more about the .unc extensions?
I take it they're not limited to one directory?

The unc extension is an extended version of uci.
The unc extension is "rooted" under opt. So each main system directory is under /opt except /home, /tmp, and /opt.  Those three exceptions are already writeable by default. Also the user.tar.gz is the same between these two mountable extensions. Anyway each of the main system directories are then "added" as a branch to union space. This happens as part of the mydsl-load procedure. So its mounted then added to the union. Therefore it appears to the running system that it is actually "installed" in the normal places. Therefore no pathing problems, no library issues. I created a small script called listu which will display the union tree. Using listu you will be able to see the apps branches added into the union space. Then upon issuing mydsl-load again the apps branches are removed and then unmounted from /opt.  Best way to learn the new extension is to load up one of the new sample unc app and then look at the structure of it under /opt and use listu.  It is really easy to make a unc. I think a .dsl to .unc would be fairly easy to create. Something along the lines of...

Say we have an app called myapp.dsl in your /home/dsl directory
1. mkdir myapp
2. cd myapp
3. tar -zxvf ../myapp.dsl
4. find home tmp -type f | xargs tar -czvf user.tar.gz
5. rm -rf home/ tmp/
6. cd ..
7 mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad myapp/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > myapp.unc

Then test the new myapp.unc by using: mydsl-load myapp.unc

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