Release Candidates :: DSL v3.3 RC1

MakodFilu, I will look for them before I post RC2.
Sorry if this was the wrong thread to post this.

UPDATE1: after doing a "sudo fdisk -l" ; found that the HDD was listed as "hdb" & without a partition table.
Then "sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb" got me control to create partitions.
Then "write" command made DSL hang.
2 more tries (on both 6GB Quantum HDD & 60GB Maxtor HDD); same result.

Hi all & KUDOS on DSL.  :D

I have test installed DSL3.2 on 4 notebooks & 3 desktops in the past month, & DSL works great.

Just wanted to point out a problem I encountered from my testing with DSL3.2 & 3.3rc1. I can't detect IDE HDDs (a 6GB & a 60GB) on an old AMDK2/266Mhz (PC100 Mobo); using cfdisk ver2.11z.    ???

But using PuppyLinux or VectorLinux, I can detect the HDDs. The reason why I want to use DSL is because of legacy hardware support (serial mouse). PuppyLinux's detection of my serial mouse is 50% of the time only (other 50% detects as PS/2 and won't work). VectorL is 0%.

The difference is DSL 3.2/3.3rc1 is using cfdisk ver2.11z ; while puppylinux is using cfdisk ver2.12q .

I also tried using QTParted v0.4.4 (from myDSL) and it detected the HDDs & properties. But when I tried to remake the partition table, DSL3.2 hanged & required a reboot. 2nd try, same result.

*Just wondering if a newer version of cfdisk will be included in DSL3.3 or if there is a workaround.


original here.