Release Candidates :: DSL v4.0 alpha1

I'll work on converting my rox MIME-info files into an omnibus .dfmext later this afternoon. I'm also going to post my rox AppRun wrapper scripts to make more things (e.g., tarballs, bcrypt, etc.) a simple drag and drop process for those who want that kind of thing. Do you want me to start a thread for DSL 4.0 drag-and-drop wrapper scripts elsewhere or just post them on a page on my blog?

I'm ambivalent about which browser to use by default. I know it's always been dillo, which is much faster to load stuff than firefox is (noticeably so on my test machine per previous post). I set mine up even faster -- aterm -e netrik !@!.

I can live without tar.gz extensions so long as the ones in the repository are converted.

Please post here, so I can easily see them and incorparate many into DSL 4.0. I knew you would be ready to contribute in this area. Until DSL 4.0 goes gold, this forum thread is for all things DSL 4.0. Looking forward to your suggestions for more and better mime types.

As far as the default mime type when DSL offers so many similiar applications, I have placed the .dfmext into the home directory, so it can be a personal preference thing. Still I recognize that many will be desired by many and should be considered for inclusion in 4.0.

The thing that is difficult in moving forward is supporting all the legacy stuff. I would like to get rid of the .tar.gz MyDSL extension type but then it would affect all previous versions of DSL. I don't want to have yet another copy of the extension to support both. I am finding it difficult to try to manage the four extension types as it is. I am still debating on the best approach.

When I went to shut down... received numerous permission denied errors from touch and tar, but one distinct error after unmounting scite.uci had "rm: cannot remove `//.dfmdesk/MyDSL/': No such file or directory"  -- I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be "~/" or something like that.

Found it. Fixed it!
Thanks for the feeback.


What about ipw2200 compatibility?

Glad someone else raised this instead of me.

This would require compiling the ipw2200 driver code that has been backported to 2.4.xx.

When I tried this I had no luck .  Robert may well have an angle I don't have.  Tempestuous compiled this source for 2.4.31,  so it is doable.  Of course it might have been done on Woody or another system.   He is active on the Puppy forum, I've been tempted to pm him over there and ask if he would help out.

Your humble developer does not own or have such hardware.
I am hoping that the community here, like those in other distros, will contribute modules for their particular hardware requirements. I cannot do it all alone.

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