Release Candidates :: DSL v4.0rc4

The fourth release candidate for DSL v4.0 is now available.
Change Log for DSL v4.0rc4

* New dfmext.lua GUI tool for dfm associations
* New automatic update of etc.ld.cache for uci .so files
* Updated torsmo v0.18
* Updated functions5.lua
* Updated DSLpanel Backgrounds calls dfm background option
* Update mydslDownload.lua
* Added emelfm to jwm taskbar
* Removed obsolete and unused files and directories

Files and directories that have changed and are likely in your backup.


Be sure to update these files and directories.

Hi Robert!

I've just tried the DSL 4.0rc4 out. Sad to say nothing happened when i clicked on Backgrounds in the DSLpanel. I'm running and posting this from a freshly burned cd without any changes or backups. Just thought I should notify you.

As always have fun with DSL,

* New automatic update of etc.ld.cache for uci .so files

I'd like to know is this done with the switch limiting search to that directory, or just "ldconfig"?

Because making it search the whole filesystem would make it damn slow on old comps / slow cd-drives..

hey, a new realease, this is great, any idea when the official release is going to be?
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