Release Candidates :: DSL v4.1RC2

It seems that the netcardconf script still uses /home/dsl/.filetool.lst instead of the new /opt/.filetool.lst

legalize cannabis, etc.

Good find, jls.
Thanks for reporting!

solved to create a icon to access ...kukydsl uci style...
when i add a line menu to mydsl by the procedure to create a file in /tmp/ its generated a in mydsl folder that can drag and copy and its executable in desktop...

also if drag and copy a file to desktop can make a right click in the icon and create a new program icon writing the path to exec file...

i am working hard to change my ucis programs to add icons and user.tar.gz. Can be usefull to add lines to wiki in the part of create uci programs because i only made the uci without icons and menus..

thanks to robert by your patient...

pd in ver 3.4.6 i can not make add line in mydsl menu...

on boot i get modprobe errors

modprobe :  no such file or directory

whats happening ?

Perhaps you are running frugal? Perhaps you only copied the knoppix file and not the other ( linux24 and minirt24.gz)? You must have a matching set or you will get many modprobe errors. If not that then perhaps a bad burn/copy on boot media
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