Release Candidates :: DSL v4.2RC1

Finally got rid of the module xfs warning.

FYI tried out a friends Puppy LiveCd. That may have been the cause.
All is well now.
Thanks roberts for your info.


as there will be some filesystem support obsolete (perhaps) how about a ntfs-3g support (free ntfs write/read) ?

I've been looking at trying to make this work on dsl in a couple of ways:

1. ntfsmount (ntfsprogs & fuse)
2. recompiled ntfs module

So far ntfsmount requires a version of the fuse module that only compiles on 2.6.x and the recompiled ntfs module gives missing symbol errors...

Quote (roberts @ Dec. 11 2007,15:35)
The items mentioned with xmms have always been that way. There has been no change in modules relating to sound, nor any libraries updated or dropped.

Hi roberts.
Question: those errors re xmms on shutdown using 4.2rc1 did not appear when using 3.4.7. on the same computer.
Did a "fresh" installation of 4.2rc1.

This old thread may help explain that those libs are not needed.

Why you see them upon shutdown, may actually be from when xmms was started, especially if they appear on the console screen after X is shutdown.. They do not affect intended use.

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