Release Candidates :: DSL v4.4RC1

The fonts solution...
Based on comments and feedback, I have decided on the following:

1. Aterm, Fluxbox, & Lua/Fltk will used fixed helvetica as in all prior versions of DSL.
  This will address the "crowded" fluxbox/menu and the dialog/whiptail concern.

2. JWM current theme, as used in v4.4, will stay with smoothansi.

Of course the fonts are a personal choice and with backup/restore you can choose whatever you wish.

The above font choice is just the default.

Hi Robert!

Sounds like a perfect solution. Thanks a lot!

Have fun developing DSL to further heights,

EDIT: I just want to thank chaostic and mikshaw for them wanting to help me out earlier in this thread.

using the full screen mode (F11) in firefox, I cannot anymore type anything inside the pages, for example fill out forms, type want I want to search in the google page..

legalize cannabis, coke...

What window manager? I see an issue with jwm but not fluxbox or flwm
In the System>Daemons menu, starting nfs-common starts /etc/init.d/nfs-common without starting any other services.  I have always found that portmap needs to be running for nfs-common to work.  If that is correct, it would be nice if starting nfs-common from the menu would check if portmap is running and start it if needed.  Thanks
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