Release Candidates :: DSL v4.4RC2

Time keeps reverting to EDT on start-up.
Did a new install of 4.4RC2 Frugal Grub Toram with tz=US/Pacific.
The Date/Time in Panel states to go to "Apps/windowmanager/restart" but windowmanager does not appear anywhere. Only shows up under Exit/restart windowmanager. But does not seem to retain PDT on reboot or restart after shutdown.
SystemStats/Boot shows tz=US/Pacific.
Shutdown screen shows the correct date and time near the end.

If you have net connectivity upon boot then you can not only set your timezone but also set the time. To set time at boot use settime

Use showbootcodes to check that you have both, e.g., mine looks like this:

$ showbootcodes
ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us quiet vga=791 frugal tz=US/Pacific settime host=silent restore=sda1

If you don't have net access upon boot then, perhaps you set your net access in /opt/, and you could add settime  after net is up by adding the line /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua.

Or finally, use the menu option to set time via internet on some window managers you may need to exit to prompt then return to X to see the updated time. I beleive jwm does not need to do this.

The Date/Time in Panel states to go to "Apps/windowmanager/restart" but windowmanager does not appear anywhere.

If you're using jwm, a keybinding has been set up to do that (ctrl-alt-r = restart jwm). Note also there are two time set options in the menu. You can use gettime.lua to set the time from NIST time server automatically or on the fly, the latter of which works very well with the tz= cheatcode. See below.

But does not seem to retain PDT on reboot or restart after shutdown.

Add /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua to That works for me. When you boot, it checks the server and sets the correct time. I boot to runlevel 3 on hard drive install and time is set before login. The time is usually set before jwm loads when using USB or frugal unless I have a really slow connection.

EDIT: I forgot about settime cheatcode.

Thanks roberts/lucky13:
All I did was add to /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua.
The time is now correct on reboot.
PS: have AT&T high speed connection(dsl).
Don't recall having to do this when I was using LILO.

Edit: Just added settime to grub/boot now it works.
Also removed /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua line from as it looks to be redundant.

Quote (lucky13 @ June 04 2008,18:23)
DSL isn't about "design and stuff" and there's nothing meiotic about the combinations in this iteration. I chose colors that didn't make me squint and that were mild and pleasant instead of black-on-black wannabe-h4x0r BS that makes eyes bleed from squinting

k so u say ppl who like to help but cannot code, but in the other way, are familiar with GIMP, are not accepted here. and help with making DSL better by making the colors actually fit is not accepted here...

i just said that the colors didnt really fit to eachother, and that that could be done better, i didnt say that we immediatly should get a vista'ish wallpaper with nice OSX effects. i said the colors didnt fit, and i can make a theme as small as yours where the colors DO actually fit, so dont moan about the backgrounds that are to big, they can be made smaller... these are just examples for backgrounds that maybe could be used.

so dont be a dick and scare people away that try to help

made a skin (silvery) that fits with all three bg's i posted earlier in this topic:
Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- silvery -->

<Font antialias="false">-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*</Font>

<Font antialias="false">-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*</Font>


<Font antialias="false">-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*</Font>

<Font antialias="false">-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*</Font>

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