DSL-N :: DSL-N RC4 Missing programs?


I have booted up the latest DSL-N RC4 without any problems. But when I try to click on firefox, dillo, or other icons on desktop. Nothing happens.

I am missing something?

BTW, the PDF viewer and the Paint program run fine.


Hi bookman761,

I had have the same Problems while booting DSL-N-RC4 from Usb-Stick.
After a Frugal-Grub-Install nearly everithing went fine. Then you just have three Icons on Desktop (ATerminall, DSLPanel, MyDSL) but a large and good Startmenu.


I'm experiencing same problem.
nothing works!!!

anyone have any idea?

I'm using rc4 from a USB stick without problems - the 3 desktop icons work (ATerminal, DSLPanel, MyDSL) as do all of the right-click menu items.

Firefox and Dillo are not in DSL-N rc4 so I'm a little confused about this point?

It is likely that they are restoring a DSL backup onto DSL-N, as the icons that are mentioned could only come from DSL and those associated applications are not in DSL-N.

DSL-N is Not an extension of DSL, in fact the N stands for Not as DSL-N is Not DSL.

They should boot DSL-N with the base norestore options to eliminate this mixing of the two.

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