DSL-N :: rdesktop and vncviewer??

A "blunt instrument" approach to this - I just tried it successfully with mpg321 - is to copy across your program's executable file from the "un-packed" knoppix image to the equivalent location in DSL.

If you try to run the executable file from a DSL terminal window, it will complain about something being missing so then you note this down and copy the missing file from knoppix to the equivalent location in DSL and start again. Eventually, you will end up with a list of all the required files/symlinks required to run your program in DSL.

Not a clever approach I know, but it works for small/simple applications.

Ok, thanks Juanito.  I'll give that a try for the xtightvncviewer packaged in the knoppix live CD and report back with how it goes.
Ok, well... that had to be just about the easiest thing I've ever done.  I simply copied /usr/bin/xtightvncviewer from the Knoppix live CD to /usr/bin/xtightvncviewer on my DSL-n machine, changed the permissions to 755 and it worked!!!  Nothing else to change.  Now I have to add that binary to my .filetool.lst so it will persist (hope that works).  Thanks again for the help!
It can  be as easy as copying a single binary.

Often I use  the find command with the application's name.
This will generally  pickup /usr/share type directories, etc.
I redirect the find output to a list and use that as my tar creation list.
Tarball it over to DSL-N.

Next do an ldd on the executeable to see if still missing any libs.
If so, go back to Knoppix and add them to the tar list and re-tarball.

Finally attempt to execute the application on DSL-N in an xterm to view any errors. If so, go back to Knoppix and add again to tar list.

Once I have a complete tar list and correspoinding tarball, I can easily add menu and icon for a .dsl or even better compress into a .unc


That will probably be my next step as because I want to create an Audacity extension (I got it working using Juanito's copy method after rdesktop and vncviewer because they were so easy).  Thanks again for all the help!  I'm really loving this distro!

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