Site News :: DSL 2.1

Well, we have 31 improvements for DSL 2.1.  It has been a big effort involving  several members of the community.  On the interface side we have a lot of nice Lua-FLTK tools including an icon management and settings tool by Robert and a very handy UCI mount/unmount tool written by Mikshaw.  Robert also revised a bunch of his scripts including the wordview GUI and our 'System Stats' GUI.

System improvements include SATA boot time support, and improved RAM usage in 'toram' mode.  There is a whole lot more going on here, so be sure to check out the change log.

As for applications, the biggest change is our replacement of FLwriter with Ted.  Torsmo replaces asmem, wmcpuload, & wmnet to better support both
window managers.  Also, to save space we replaced wmix and with functional but light Lua-FLTK apps.

There is much more going on, please see the change log for full details.  Thanks you to everyone who helped for this release!

Here are some screen shots:

DSL is like fine wine.
It keeps getting better and better with age!
Thank You, John, roberts, and the community.
I have and keep learning from this tiny but mighty distro!


A new torrent has been uploaded.

Name: Damn Small Linux 2.1
Size: 49.85 MB
Category: Damn Small
Uploaded by: mcangeli

Damn Small Linux 2.1 has been released. From the changelog: "New SATA boot time support; new Icontool GUI controls many icon features; new docked.lua - Lua dock apps - mount and dMix replace and wmix; mew mount.lua - Lua GUI disk mount tool; new dMix - Lua GUI sound mixer; mew ucitool.lua - Lua GUI lists UCI mounts & allows easy deinstall of UCIs; new Torsmo replaces asmem, wmcpuload, & wmnet to better support both window managers; new Ted replaces Flwriter; new .xpdfrc - to support direct printing from Xpdf; new links - Lua links download wrapper; new added Thai keyboard support...."

You can use the URL below to download the torrent (you may have to login).


Grab the torrent and help seed!!

Excellent! This is the best small Linux in the universe.
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