Site News :: 2.2 is out!

dmesg said only:
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port
"dmesg |grep tty" not found any tty ports (not found 3f8 or 16550 text).

I have motherboard ASUS with Award BIOS 4.51PG
in SETUp is "PS/2 mouse function control: Disabled", this motherboard heve only COM1 and 2 onboard connectors no PS/2. I test switch to "PS/2 mouse function control: Enabled" but mouse not working too. COM1 and COM2 are in SETUP Enabled and addres are 3F8, 2F8.

I thing this problem is in detection COM ports in DSL.

Hi everybody,
I had not understood that 2.2 was officially released because I was waiting for the announcement on distrowatch.
Just yesterday, browsing in the current directory of one of the mirrors for the download, I've seen that version 2.2 was there.

Please, add an announcement on distrowatch, otherwise somebody else could do my same mistake. I don't think I've missed the announcement.

Many thanks,

No, it was there. You just missed it. There were quite a few other releases soon afterward so it went off the page quickly. Here's the link:

you're right and I was wrong.
Thus, I could do the remastering I planned.
Everything was fine, except the fact that I tried to do a "poor man's install" from a ZIP Iomega disk, by booting with the
dsl zipboot tohd=/dev/hda1

It didn't work, It answered that there was 0 bytes available on the disk (this was false) and it continued with a normal zipboot.
This was not a major problem, because I mounted the first partition of the disk and I copied over there the /cdrom/KNOPPIX directory with an usual cp command.
Should I expect that the
dsl zipboot tohd=/dev/hda1
option can't work?

In any case, I think it's good for you to know the result of this test.

DSL 2.2 looks to an excellent work!


You got the DSL-2.2b version right?
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