Site News :: 2.2 is out!

Congratulations on yet another outstanding release! Everyone, please seed the torrent!

Actually, I'm having some trouble with that one. Does anyone have a working torrent?

A "b" cut of dsl is now posted: dsl-2.2b

This version addresses the USB booting issue on some computers.

This adjustment only affects the isolinux version, dsl-2.2b.iso and
the vmx version  It does not apply to the other versions of dsl v2.2.

The change is the order in which USB modules are loaded at boot time.
If you are currently having issues booting USB pendrives then try this version.
John and I have tested this and the new order seems to provide both USB2.0 and
when not available USB1.1 on a wide range of computers.

Can someone please post a list of files that need to be updated in persistent home directories, or that will be overwritten by the backup/restore process. It may be useful to provide such info in future as a file stored with the release. e.g. dsl-2.2b-update_files or some such with a list of the files that need to be copied over from e.g. /etc/skel
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