Site News :: DSL 3.0 now stable

Mark, unionfs just allows the full filesystem to become writeable.
You can still enable apt, still use Synaptic and all the debian utilis.
Also, unionfs only affect running livecd or frugal type installs. Installing to the hard drive remains as before.

Are there any special procedures for upgrading from 2.4 to 3.0 for a frugal install?
To upgrade from all prior versions of dsl...

Emelfm loading of local extensions has been deprecated.
Please update as follows:

cp /etc/skel/.emelfm/buttons /home/dsl/.emelfm/.
cp /etc/skel/.emelfm/filetypes /home/dsl/.emelfm/.

Regarding browsers:

I still have not been able to directly reproduce the local firefox crash. However, I mostly use newer versions for firefox, opera, and seamonkey.uci. You may wish to try these newer versions and of course adjust the cache size for your memory and apps depending on your environment.

Robert, John,
thanks a lot! That's a very nice release with these wonderful uncs.

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