Site News :: DSL v3.1 is out!
Neither have been posted yet.
It was just 12/17 that I finished dsl-dpkg.unc and adjustments to core.
Still adding more to core 3.2RC2. Hang in there. It will be soon.
Thanks - in the meantime, I've noticed a problem with a small script I use to mount the Knoppix CD.
Prior to using unc packages, I used to use the following command:
# mount /mnt/hda5/Download/Linux/KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-04-EN.iso /ramdisk/image -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop10
When I use the same command, I get an error "1794 Segmentation fault". Should I be using a different command now?
Why are you using cloop devices? (Although any kind segfaults are bad :/ - plus it did work before...)
Afaik, you can use mount file.iso -o loop /where/to/mount
Should automatically mount as ro and set -t and find a device.
The iso is not a cloop. The file KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX is.
# mount /mnt/hdax/dsl-xxx.iso /mnt/test -o loop
If your goal is to get to the KNOPPIX compressed file then you will need an additional mount command
# mount /mnt/test/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /mnt/image -o loop=/dev/cloop63
Works fine!
Hmm, wasn't typing straight there...
In fact I was using the commands below - these seemed to work up to the point I mixed a dsl package (dsl-dpkg) with unc packages. It was at this point I got the segmentation fault.
I see there is a dsl-dpkg.unc for DSL 3.2 RC2 now - I will start using that and consider this problem closed.
#mkdir /ramdisk/image
#mount /path/KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-04-EN.iso /ramdisk/image -t iso9660 -o loop,ro
#mkdir /ramdisk/unpack
#mount /ramdisk/image/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /ramdisk/unpack -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop50
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