Site News :: DSL v3.4.1

Quote (andrewb @ Aug. 15 2007,17:14)
I'll put a vote in for emelfm as well. On systems with small screens (e.g. Toshiba Libretto) emelfm is great - easy to move files around & easy to navigate. MC would be good if it would resize with the window, but until I can get that sorted I'd be very sorry to lose emelfm, though I could do without dfm as it opens far too many windows (can it be made to reuse the same window - is there a shortcut to close all the open windows (like shift-left-click on the 'X' in M$-windoze))

That is why I am still maintaining a 3.4.x series.  :)
Emelfm has not been removed.
So there is really nothing to be complaining about!

Gosh, I used to get thanks, now instead I get this.

With non-changing tiny hardware, I suppose one could just stay with a release that works best for that particular hardware.

But to suggest not to try to adopt more capabilities through user friendlyness then I might was well as call it quits.

Alas, I have been through this before. I can recall those who said v0.5.3.1 was the last good version of DSL, then again when I came out with 1.0, and 2.0, and when unionfs was the default.

But here we are talking about 4.0 in a 3.4.1 thread when such is really not even necessary as I have taken the extra effort to keep 3.4 series going.


I was not intending any criticism. I like the way DSL4 is moving forward, I only find it a bit more problematic without emelfm as I have become so used to it. Like many others I am more than happy with MC & as it works in CLI mode it is a more useful tool to have. I used to use it a lot in early work with linux in CLI mode & find it a great tool. I have been frustrated by not being able to figure out how to get MC to fill a given window size. Once X has been started it doesn't matter whether MC is started from the prompt, or from an xterm in a maximised window- the size of MC remains fixed. I've posted this question elsewhere, but so far no-one has suggested a solution.

The front page is still showing 3.4 as current..
Quote (curaga @ Aug. 20 2007,00:27)
The front page is still showing 3.4 as current..

Front page is now updated with both current and RC info.
I don't see a reason why u need to mantain the 2 versions when u can easily use the emelfm present in the mydsl optional extensions repository.
The file manager of dsl 4.0 is for me slow for moving and copying files, but for sure nicer then emelfm. The fact that u now have a usable desktop is an important evolution too.

legalize cannabis, etc.:rock:

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