Site News :: DSL 4.2.2

As DSL is targeted to low-performance (and -ram) systems, it would be huge waste of memory to have say 4 shells in the back. Think what that would do to a 16mb system.

For workspace keybindings, I haven't checked them out yet, but I've never seen ctrl+alt+right get used, they're usually ctrl+number, alt+number or alt+f-key. I think there's also a keybinding to fire up a xterm.

you don't release something unless you've fixed it.

My, how convenient that would be. The rest of the world is perfect, so jump all over DSL.

Quote a person with an obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Another thing would have to be the numlock issue I'm having.

What issue would that be? I've tried 4.2.2 and 3.4 on a variety of keyboards and laptops with NO numlock issues. Maybe you could find more assistance if you'd be as specific about what you've tried to do and what has or hasn't happened as you've been in the rest of your criticism.

1. The mydsl stuff is super buggy

That's not buggy, it was designed for point and click use.

3. How do I switch to workspace 2?

Alt-2. You can read the keybindings and change them to suit your needs. They're in .jwmrc-keys.

Instead of whinning about this and that be specific.
You say you are scientific then give no details, just whinning. If you are going to quote science then "walk the talk".

Quote (Genecks @ Dec. 31 2007,08:56)

I sometimes think people update things without proofreading them. For instance, I just edited FrugalGrub install and fixed it myself. A true lack of technical writing at its best. I wasn't very pleased with that fact, since I just did the poor man's install via net. I'm the one who updated the page and discussion page in the wiki, too.

The Wiki was setup for the users by the users and is maintained by the users. It is not as I have stated so many times not THE documentation of the DSL project. A man of science could do a "bang up job" to contributing to the wiki.

After the poor man's, I decided to do the frugal install from the Live-environment. After noticing it didn't work, I was like, "Oh @Q#$Q@#$, now I have to look for that file, edit it, and test it until it works."

As a man of science, no details? Interesting. Someone who takes and does not contribute back? That's not good science.
Yet funny that you seem to be the only one having this issue.
Every machine I run and test is frugal installed. Many, many users run DSL in this manner.

If there is something I've learned from my years of dealing with science (in the lab and out) and with technology, it's that you don't release something unless you've fixed it. Or at least you don't say you've fixed it until you've tried it over and over and over again like a person with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. That's part of the scientific method, which people fail at.

Walk the talk. Science is not done in isolation. Contributions and sharing is science. That was the purpose of  the web and why it got started; sharing science.

However, I do understand Linus's (do my work for me) philosophy. :|

It works now. I pretty much changed the protocol to ftp. I took out those stupid mirrors that weren't ibiblio: NOT And for another thing, I think the "l" in Linux was still capitalized, which needs to be lower-case. Now, the mirror issue is somewhat independent. I'm not too sure, but the letter "l" is a serious problem. Either way, the script didn't work and I made it work.
WOW. We are all impressed with what you didn't share.
I'm not too sure, but the letter "l" is a serious problem.
What happened to the  
obsessive-compulsive disorder. That's part of the scientific method, which people fail at.
. Oh well, so much for that point.

Another thing would have to be the numlock issue I'm having.

Other than that:

1. The mydsl stuff is super buggy
Thanks for being scientific and sharing details. NOT! We don't even know what version you are running. Don't know how you are installed.!

I tried scrolling through the available items, but it gave me the info page for each one. I didn't want the info page each time. I just wanted to scroll down.
Don't own a mouse? You are supposed to read the info before you load/install them.

2. Where are the ttys?

I'd like at least 1 tty in the background. It seems like tty1 was used to startx on tty2, and now I've got none in the background.

3. How do I switch to workspace 2?

I was doing the frugal install, and I decided to move it to workspace 2. Brilliant...not a smart move, because I couldn't get to workspace 2 with a ctrl+alt+right :(

I lost my work.

Other than that, things look a little better than 3.4, or whatever I was using a while ago.
mtpaint looks interesting. But I'd still like a tty in the background, because it would give me the ability to quickly access a terminal. And I don't have a mouse, and the ctrl+alt+numlock didn't work, so my only alternative (without knowing everyting about jwm and whatnot) was to try to use a tty to understand the system I am using. It wasn't there, so I was SOL. Luckily, I did find solitaire. :cool
Solitare without a mouse. Cool. I am impressed again!

Sarcasm is a waste of bandwidth. Do you feel that you contributed anything to the cause? But, of course, that was never your intent. Pity.

All you could do was create an antithesis against the philosophy of science instead of base your views on the current distribution. You instead decided to create an ad hominem. Sad.

"Science is not done in isolation"

Plenty, plenty, of science is done in isolation. Edison locked himself up in a shed away from his wife and kids until he figured out carbon would help develop the lightbulb. Read about it.

"The Wiki was setup for the users by the users and is maintained by the users."

So, why is it on your domain again?

I know damn well if something wasn't mine, I wouldn't have it part of my domain. I wouldn't even want to be affiliated with it. I mean, to not be affiliated to a minimum would mean not making it part of my domain.

I think I gave plenty of details. If you want to try to win an an argument by changing the necessities for something to be existent, then I just refuse to play your long-drawn philosophy game. I gave plenty of details.

"We don't even know what version you are running. "

Gee, I wonder what this thread is labeled. Hmm, you know, I just don't know. I only attack when I attacked; so, yes, I am now using sarcasm.

And I think I shared plenty of details. If you're a programmer and can't deduct what I've changed in the code by erasing the mirrors that aren't ibiblio, then you apparent can't figure out this equation:

a + b = a + b
a - a + b = b

Most of what I did share, I added to the wiki ealier today. Oh yes, sure, the wiki is for the users to contribute. Sure, because you follow the Linux doctrine of getting others to do your work while you simply tweak things here and there. You know what? I bet you would have a slight clue as to wtf was wrong with your distro unless people told you; so with a grain of salt, understand the complaints are also bug reports or things that you haven't documented well enough to the public.

Because of that, it shows you have lacked the documentation for your own project.

Would you like some documentation? I'd really like to throw a copy of the DSL Book at you right now. Please behave yourself.

You know what? I bet you would have a slight clue as to wtf was wrong with your distro unless people told you....

*You* know what? Companies like Microsoft, Apple, etc., have large teams of programmers working on their operating systems and software, yet they rely on user feedback and other third parties (such as security companies) to fix or help improve various problems. So do software developers whether they're closed or open source. Do you consider them totally oblivious to what they spend day and night working on, sometimes for no pay?

DSL doesn't have a large team. It's one man and a community. One man can only do so much. And as you've proven, it can be a thankless job.

The community is vital to things like wikis and extensions and helping others. If you can be constructive and helpful, you can play a role in improving this for yourself and others. You're not helping anyone if you're going to attack the developer. Spare your specious attacks and criticism.

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