Site News :: DSL 4.2.4

thanks juanito...

i think that its better to pass these post to network wifi..i only think to put a general advice in these thread if its possible to improve ndiswrapper and wifi in dsl 4.xx (neck of bottle in dsl also with printers drivers)

We have to take care of the health of roberts that are stressed...


pdta luky13 i writte -i pump wlan0 with no sucess (we are of the family ? )

I just did a grub HD install from a boot floppy, with KNOPPIX transferred wirelessly over irda (took 2.1h, funny that). Seems the windows boot section is still not fully fixed; as windoze needs the chainloader +1 line uncommented too, but it stayed commented..
I had fixed it frugal-grub, but since traditional hard drive install grub boot loader option shares the same grub menu template, it too needs to be fixed.  Thanks for reporting.
Finally switching to 4.2.4. Seems to run faster (or my imagination).

Question: With 3.4.9 I had dsl extensions in a dcty on hda3 named 'extensions'. I loaded them when needed.
With 4.2.4 where is the correct location to put them?
I get 'permission' notice.
I do not use the extensions daily (gimp, OO).

Quote (curaga @ Jan. 16 2008,03:52)
Okay, I have (finally) tried DSL 4. I booted embedded.
Have to say the new look is great :D

Even the wallpaper, that remotely says vista, is enough un-vistaish to look awesome. The change to JWM was good. Only thing I didn't like was the new default theme for fluxbox, I prefer the dark flux theme from 3.x instead of the bluish one (that also consumes more screen space; I normally wouldn't have noticed, but I've gotten used to the previous theme)

Here's a patch for kbdconfig; it didn't show all keymaps

Looks like one keymap was added that was not .kmap but intead .map. Patch applied thanks.

BTW I have never seen Vista, other than on the Web. "Fractal Movements" is a DSL classic and was a favorite on a much earlier version of DSL.

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