Site News :: DSL 4.2.4

All three burned cd's had errors: one had boot errors, the other two had long list of i/o scsi... errors.

Did you check the md5sum?

EDIT: Oops. Okay. Maybe you have bad CDs?

Very strange. After two more unsuccessful attempts to download and burn 4.2.4 I finally got one to work. All I did was try new downloads and new blank cds but on the last burn attempt I changed the speed from 4 to 8 (don't think that mattered).

Now the new 4.2.4 cd works on my other computer (pII) which has 4.2.3 as frugal/lilo/toram but not on my main computer on which I downloaded and burned the cd.

My main computer has 3.4.9 as frugal/lilo/toram.
Tried the new 4.2.4 as base norestore (the way 4.2.3 worked) but I get several screens full of error messages at boot.

Is it common to have that many bad cds?.

No, it's not. Maybe your burner is going bad..
I think the fault could be my cdrom. It reads 4.2.3 okay but not 4.2.4. Both burned on the same day. (seq 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.3 then 4.2.4)
I have cdrom and cdrw on my main computer.
The newly burned 4.2.4 disk works on my other computer which only has a cdrom.

Is it common to have that many bad cds?

Depends what brand, etc. I'll spare you the longer version of my adventure with cheap CDs I scored at a certain electronics discounter (28 of 100 were bad).

Try setting burn at 2. It's only 50M.

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