Site News :: DSL v4.3

Quote (meo @ April 23 2008,06:32)
I've just rebooted after uncommenting fluxter and now finally I have a clean window, just like I want. Is there by any chance a way to make fluxbox the primary wm without using bootcodes?
There should be a "switch wm" .lua somewhere.
Or you could edit .desktop

Hi again "hats"!

The desktop file already contained fluxbox and icons=0 so I just added it to the filetool.lst and saved it in my backup. So now it starts with fluxbox and without icons even if I havent used any bootcodes for that purpose. Thanks for leading me on the right track!

Have fun and enjoy this fine distro everybody,

- afaik the preferred short form of Firefox is Fx

I would recommend "www" but that's already taken by dillo. Is it necessary to put both in the tray? How about just "term" for the terminal? "Files" for emelfm?

I think reducing the font to 10 for the tray and taskbar will also help a little.

Is it necessary to have these by default?

Short of running a separate trayrc for noicons, I don't see how else to make this work for everyone. Maybe that's the solution, perhaps a jwmrc-tray-noicons without any buttons. Or remove them from the tray altogether by default and leave it to users to set them up and comment where they would go like xload.

As always, great job.

Short of running a separate trayrc for noicons, I don't see how else to make this work for everyone. Maybe that's the solution, perhaps a jwmrc-tray-noicons without any buttons. Or remove them from the tray altogether by default and leave it to users to set them up and comment where they would go like xload.

I would think the tray works best for noobs.  Let the experts (and the want-to-be's, with comments) customize to the hilt.

Thank-you much.

Quote (doobit @ April 22 2008,14:30)
It's a beautiful thing!

a very good tool in firefox 2.0 is fasterfox, could we put it in dsl as default?
the url:


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