Site News :: DSL v4.3

i love the new mydsl-browser! great job!
About that fasterfox extension: those tweaks are the same as in Swiftfox, and the patch from Swiftfox would be a better way to have them than adding an extension to load.
Extensions are external by design, just as mydsl extensions are. There is absolutely no reason to include Firefox extensions in DSL base when 1) they are easily added by the user who wants them, 2) many are updated frequently so you'll end up downloading them anyway, and 3) they are typically directed toward a specific user base. You should never assume that what one person considers useful is going to be useful to the general public. Personally most of the applications I find most useful seem to be disliked or ignored by the general population.

i love the new mydsl-browser! great job!
Thanks struppi. If anyone finds any bugs or has suggestions for improvement (while still keeping it small and simple), post in the "mydsl info parser" thread in programming/scripting. After using it for a while, I think it needs a "download with no install" function. I often download extensions only for later use or just to look in the package.

I have only 42% of 4.3 downloaded so far.....blasted middle-of-nowhere dialup grumble grmmbrr....

You should never assume that what one person considers useful is going to be useful to the general public.

This is especially true of extensions that prefetch things like fasterfox does. That can bog down slower computers; it also creates unnecessary traffic on slower servers by causing all their links to load whether or not visitors actually click on them. So it can slow everyone down -- users and servers.

Personally most of the applications I find most useful seem to be disliked or ignored by the general population.

Hey, come on. I wrote I'd give dwm a week on my laptop. It's now been longer and I'm using it on both desktop and laptop except for making the jwm contrast theme last night. I'm open to more of your suggestions and ideas.

I haven't tried fasterfox; but it seemed to include the same configuration tweaks also found in these forums as well as in Swiftfox, none of which enables prefetching, so they (the speed tweaks) should be OK in the base.
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