Site News :: 0.9 is out

This release was a lot of work for both Robert and I, some features are gained and a few are lost.  Overall we believe this is a big improvement.  

Change Log for 0.9.0<BR>
-- added Firefox web browser<BR>
-- MediaPlayer, enjoympeg and ascd doc app replaces xmms<BR>
-- Minimum Profit editor replaces Scite<BR>
-- added spell checking for Sylpheed email<BR>
-- update emelfm filetypes for multimedia<BR>
-- many space saving cuts were implemented<BR>
-- dropped Tuxnes, Zile and Mutella<BR>

I built a Lua-FLTK gui wrapper to replace XMMS, it can handle input via command line or browser input.  There is also a simple m3u script which can handle a single stream.  Look to Media.flua to incorporate more features in future releases.  We are also in a process of providing the removed applications as extensions in the repository.


HTF did you fit a 10MB (compressed) application Firefox into an existing 50MB distro?

As long as Minimum Profit is minimally usable, this is a big leap forward.

Gotta D/L tonite...

i did quite like scite though. but firefox makes up for everything
does this break any extensions, or am i safe to burn my MyDSL cd?
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