Site News :: dsl 0.9.3

9.3 is working perfectly on my Thinkpad 600. Flwriter produces html or rtf files which are read by ooWriter. Thanks for all your hard work. DSL strikes a very good balance (for those with a little linux experience) between speed, flexibility, and hardware requirements. Terrific job, really.
Do we have the ability to choose a mirror for grabbing gnuutils.dsl from when doing an enhanced install, or did that get pooh-poohed?

SU, your mods are there in tact, both ext3 and mirror selection. Thanks for your contribution.

Yay! New DSL! Been stuck in some version of 0.8.x for awhile, can't wait to find a blank CD and burn this baby!
I hope the bug preventing addition of new users to the live cd has been dealt with?
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