Site News :: Baby Penguin on the Way!

Was that extra 3 weeks for testing?  I guess you don't get to do a release candidate in this business...
Thats good news,John!

Thanks guys, that's really kind of you.
Enjoy 'em while they're small, John. When they learn to walk and talk, life changes drastically!  :D

I have twin 5yr old girls and the running, aggravating and talking is like the energizer goes on and on and on and on.

Kids bring the greatest joy you'll ever have in your life!! Although the older ones seem to increase the number of grey hairs on your head!



My credit card was not charged for the CDs I ordered last month, but that's okay; I still want them whenever you get around to it even though I already downloaded DSL just fine on dial-up.

I've got a kid in college and a teenager at home and they just get better with age.

I thought discovering dsl was the beginning of a great adventure for me but you, my friend, are embarking on the greatest adventure of them all.

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