Site News :: Geek Auctions

I've set up an auction script for the DSL community.  I think there are a lot here who are interested in buying and selling old computer components.  I for one would be interested in a good used laptop.  It's free to use, so have at it.

Sounds like a good idea.
It might be cool to have the ability to place a want-ad. I might want a ThinkNic,  but I can't find one.  I'm also looking for someone to donate an old/decent sound card to a worthy cause (me, attempting to set up a Linux/virtual synth box for my studio :D  ).
I really like the idea of having the opportunity to get unused hardware into the hands of other DSL supporters and I hope the auction site does well.

I see there's not much posted yet, but as soon as I can find the time I hope to offer several items, including a bunch of RAM, a Linux-compatible external modem and some other stuff.

John, this is so perfect for me; I'm tired of the garbage associated with eBay....I love my $30 Dell and it did come from a reputable dealer but I get so sick of sorting through all the sellers offering "massive" 2 Gig hard drives and "lightening fast" 32MB of RAM to find what I want for myself and my friends: good honest solid old pieces of stuff.

I make  mistakes and have acquired the wrong kind of RAM for my older PCs; I'm more the freecycle type but I could do with some help on the postage so I'll see if I can't figure out how to offer it to a good home in the next little bit.

It's also always nice for us dial-up users to have a sympathetic friend with broadband once in awhile, while I'm on the subject of reimbursement for postage. ;)

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