HD Install :: Mounting /home on a different partition

I have an old laptop (Compaq 600 MHz, 64 MB ram, 6.0 GB hard drive). I preformed a hard drive install, on a 400 MB partition (hda1). I would now like to mount a larger (4.6 GB) partition on hda3 as the home partition. I have already copied all the /home files into a directory called /home on hda3. I would like DSL to mount this partition as home automatically on bootup. Is this possible?


Don't copy files first, start with an empty but formatted partition.
Then use boot option home=hda3

This will then setup /home on partition hda3, from that point on always use the boot option home=hda3

Where do I enter the boot option?

When I boot up, I come up to the grub menu. I tried entering 'e' to edit the entry, and adding 'home=hda3' at the end of the line, but to no avail.

Edit: I reformatted hda3 as ext2 and tried it, still isn't mounting it. I can see it in the mount manager as unmounted.

Using that bootcode is probably only for frugal installations.  If you did a traditional debian-style hd-install, you can edit /etc/fstab instead.
Yes, I did have a 'traditional' hard drive install. However, after getting frustrated I decided to try out DSL-N because I wanted abiword anway. I did a frugal install, used the live cd to mount hda1, and edited the /boot/grub/menu.lst and added home=hda3 so now it comes up as default every time.

So it works now. If I ever try the 'traditional' hard drive install I'll make sure to edit the fstab.

Thanks guys


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