HD Install :: kernel - would you have use for it?
I decided not to do it. It really wouldn't be necessary.
hats: the modules are incompatible with 2.4.26, so there would be no use for 2 parts-style..
Juanito: Here's a short lineup. Ask if you need more ;)
Downloaded full source from kernel.org, then the patches for ntfs, supermount, and bootsplash, then got kernelsource.dsl, extracted only knoppix-patch and .config from there (needed those only)..
Juggled those around (applied patches except knoppix-patch, moved .config to my kernel dir etc..)
I did edit that knoppix patch around here (didn't like/need all the stuff it does....)
Then 'make menuconfig', disabling and enabling stuff, starting from DSL kernel config details.
After that, like told, applied knoppix patch. Then edited Makefile and .version (it looks cool, the internal kernel name is #1337).
make modules bzImage
make modules_install
upx --brute arch/i386/boot/bzImage
That ^ took about 150k off the kernel, and sped booting (it only affects the kernel decompression stage) with 3s
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/laxy-upxed
edited menu.lst, rebooted. That's pretty much it. I didn't fiddle with initrd for frugal/livecd 'cause I decided not to do the extension, but I could've done that too. Initrd would need a little tweaking (mostly replacing modules there with compatible (current) ones), I'd also tweaked it for speed...
Oh. I also think it's currently a gzipped ext2 image, I'd make it either ramfs/romfs/cramfs..
Well you still would need those 2 parts, since you need to boot the new kernel.
Also, for my version of 2.4.34, I used the dsl.config from the DSL2.1's 2.4.31 sources, instead of the .config from 2.4.26
Why? Some new stuff, ie sata modules etc. are already configured for you I suppose.
hats: I meant they should be in one package, 'cause separation would be no use, kernel without modules doesn't do much... (unless it's static of course)
original here.