HD Install :: Loadlin vs LILO
okay... I'm kind of a coward right now
so I'm going to take the easy way out and go with loadlin
Thanks for the help
I'll let you know how it all turns out
you know what...
I have no clue what happened to my machine... but it's not really wanting to boot properly from CD either
It's giving me some weird errors about ramdisk and modprobe
can't find ramdisk in etc/fstab or etc/mtab or something like that
and IO error 104
0known processed
and 0 events remaining
whic looks pretty complex to me
I think there's a compatability issue going on here...I'm going to take another look
I guess I'm back to square one
If anyone has some advice for me, it'd be greatly appreciated
meanwhile I'm going back to the forums to see what else i can dig up
and just incase it's really important
system info :
Cyrix 6x86MX (200Mhz)
16 MB Ram
4 Gb HDD
whoa, I always thought i just had a pentium... but I guess I don't... maybe that's what's giving it problems
cyrix cpu's should be compatible.
I'm guessing it's due to your low memory.
Try booting with "lowram" or the superlowram sequence described on the wiki cheatcode page.
If that doesn't help, try adding mem=16M as well.
Also, do you have some device that shares the memory (ie for video)?
well I'm not sure about the sharing memory thing
but I do know that nothing you suggested so far has worked:P
it keeps giving me the same error about not being able to mount the ramdisk and stuff like that
I'm not really sure what mounting is... I've got a tiny bit of an idea because with Daemon tools I always have to mount CD images and stuff so I'm assuming this is the same except with devices and filesystems instead
oh yea... it's giving me some kind of fs error aswell
but I think I should search through a different part of a forum and maybe post isses like this in a different place because the subject is loadlin vs LILO
or I'M A NEWB!!!111
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