HD Install :: remastering a DVD of my HD installation

Hi all,
it's some days I installaed succesfully
an entire ERP server on DSL.

I installed oracle-xe as database and Compiere Application Server.

Now, i'd like to create a live DVD grabbing the whole data installed
(and many configuration files spread in various unknown directories).

How can I?

Is it possibile DD the hd installation and substitute the KNOPPIX image?

Is there a way to do this without checking every single directory where something has been written?

Thank you in advance,
looking for your help!

Ciao ciao.

Is it possibile DD the hd installation and substitute the KNOPPIX image?
No.  If you use dd you can save and restore your current installation (like a backup or mass deployment image) though.

Is there a way to do this without checking every single directory where something has been written?
Probably not... esp. if your application isn't self contained.  You can easily use diff, for example, though.

and redoing all from start with a frugal install same result?
any idea?

See the remastering (of the KNOPPIX image) threads.

original here.