HD Install :: Frugal on CF for a Soekris NET4801

I think you might have to look in /KNOPPIX - I don't think it's created on the fly.

btw, just a thought about your AT and 0`3 messages: perhaps its due to the booting where it tries to probe your devices... (so it goes through modems, etc.)

I tried (probably not hard ehough) to find out how to modify something in /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX but did not get through.
I tried
Code Sample
sudo extract_compressed_fs /knoppix/knoppix > cimage.iso

because I had found that in a book but it refuses doing the job.
Would it be easier to do the job in bootlocal.sh or it is not the right way?

see remastering the dsl/knoppix image

You could try placing commands in bootlocal.sh though if you wish.

I have now re-created a KNOPPIX image after modifying /etc/inittab with:
Code Sample

~~:S:respawn:/bin/bash -login >/dev/ttyS0 2>&1 </dev/ttyS0
1:12345:respawn:/bin/bash -login >/dev/ttyS0 2>&1 </dev/ttyS0

I had suppressed all further references to tty1...4

I am still stuck at initrd launching /boot/minirt24.gz : it issues a bunch of empty lines and then nothing.
I'd like to get back at least an error message I could chew on...

I replaced respawn:/bin/bash -login...
Code Sample
respawn:/sbin/getty -L -n -l /bin/bash ttyS0 19200 vt102

without better result.
Reading that sometimes a /dev/modem was pointing at /dev/ttyS0 I checked if any link was on ttyS0 and I found /dev/pilot. What's that?
After a lot of modifications in /etc/inittab, I noticed inittab.multi. I modified it in the same way but I am not sure of its purpose.
I found in a post a cheatcode '3'. Is it a mistyping or any runlevel can be directly provided as a cheatcode, even if only '2' is given by the documentation?

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