HD Install :: DSL not loaded at computer start

I tried to install DSL on a a really crapy computer.

- 133Mhz Pentium 200
- ~65Mb RAM
- 756Mb HD

It doesn't have windoze anymore.
I selected a Frugal Grub install and when I start my computer DSL is doesn't loaded a all.

By the way I fallowed letter by letter the instruction on the wiki and it work find with the CD.

I tried to install DSL on a a really crapy computer.

That computer doesn't sound too crappy to me.

You need to provide more information if you want to get it running. What happened when you booted, etc.?

So my computer start and the bios load everything and blablabla...
afther it show Grub and it don't do anything.

Did you edit menu.lst for GRUB to accomodate your needs?
Does it just show the word "Grub" and a blinking cursor?  You might have the same issue that I did.  My problem was solved by installing Grub manually.  The information on what to do can be found in the 3rd response on this thread.  :)
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