HD Install :: Hdd install and grub problem

When you mentioned your P200, you didn't mention how much memory it has and in your drive layout you don't show any swap space. It might have been a good idea to partition off a bit of that hdb5 for a swap partition. But that is an aside from your current problem.

It could even be a good idea to mention what kind of install, Debian style to HD or Frugal.

Given the layout you mentioned, I would think that

grub> root (hd1,4)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub quit

should set your system at booting to the grub menu you have on hdb5. It will write grub to the mbr on hda, thereby overwriting the mbr that Windows put there when installed.

You didn't mention which Windows you have on hda1 but I'm guessing 98 on that old a machine. Make sure you have a Windows startup disk before you have grub overwrite your mbr, it's easy to rewrite it from that startup disk to restore the system booting up to Windows, you could even boot from it, CD /Windows and enter win to have Windows run. If you aren't comfortable with this, don't act until you ask more questions.

In addition, no one here is looking over your shoulder, please give more detail. Give the exact command you ran and the error message received. Lucky13 gave essentially the same advice I just did, yet you only answered back with, "doesn't work" and it's hard for anyone to help with that little information.

[edited my mistake for hard drive number, I hope it didn't confuse Boris Cat]

I'm pretty hard to confuse... except when you ask me what day it is  :)


Its a full on install from the right click menu, to a machine that already has windows 98 on it , losing the windows mbr is'nt a problem since the machine is'nt used that much and an Fdisk command will soon sort it out.
(that and the windows sort out command:-  Format C: )

I tried the full install with the lilo boot launcher... again no luck, just boots straight into windows when it issues the command  'remove disks and press enter'
Ok  running grub at the moment

Running grubby

setup (hd1,1)      gets me an error12 : invalid device requested

root (hd0)   gets me an error 21 selected disc does not exist

quit works  :p  

Oddly enough using the df comnmand shows hda1, hdb1, and hdb5 happily installed and available (when mounted)

and cfdisk shows a 6 gig or so fat32 partion and a bootable 2 gig  linux ext2 partion for hdb  (hda shows up as a 1 gig fat32 drive)

Its annoying as I know it works because I have a different machine with a win98/fedora6 dual boot on it and grub works fine on there(although it is only 1 drive)


why so many copies of win98?  I build software for legacy systems to run  :cool:

setup (hd1,1)      gets me an error12 : invalid device requested

root (hd0)   gets me an error 21 selected disc does not exist
You got them mixed up.

Swapping them over still gets me the errors about invalid discs and selected
disc does not exist :(


If your system board is older, you may have to use another bootloader such lilo.
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