HD Install :: can't find KNOPPIX filesystem


My hd frugal install fails to boot with the error "can't find KNOPPIX filesystem,...". I've read and tried every reported solution to this error that I could find, but so far no joy.

tried: nodma, bootfrom=, fromhd=.

dev/hda2/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX exists and "diff" shows no diference between it and ther one on the CD (which boots ok).

Interestingly, if I have "bootfrom=/dev/hda2" as a grub option and I start booting from the hd, but insert the dsl cdrom before it gets to looking for KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX it first "looks at" /dev/sda1 and spins up the CD briefly, and then successfully switches to /dev/hda2 and completes the toram boot!

/dev/hda2 is reiserfs partition with a broken SUSE install on it.

My grub entry:

title DSL fb1024x768
   root (hd0,1)
   kernel /boot/linux24 bootfrom=/dev/hda2 vga=791 nopcmcia frugal toram
   initrd /boot/minirt24.gz

How can boot find the kernel, but not the cloop KNOPPIX,  normally, yet find it after it finds the CD?



I have a 4.2.5 HD Frugal install and get the same error.

For my frugal install the cause of the error is if it can't find /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.  However when it gives the error and drops me at the prompt I am able to type "exit" and the system will continue to boot normally.

Atleast for NDD's case, it happens with slow usb sticks not registered before the KNOPPIX probe. I didn't know regular HD's could be that slow..
/dev/hda2 is reiserfs
DSL had reiserfs support? Maybe the module is loaded at a certain stage...

After typing "exit" the following prints to screen and then halts (for good!):

FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root on 03:02

Just earlier in the boot process I think DSL reports mounting the volume as Ext2. Maybe VFS doesn't load the reiserfs driver until this point? (That would explain the brief CD access I reported earlier).

If this is the case, any chance of loading reiserfs support earlier, or is there a boot switch I can throw?



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