HD Install :: start apps at boot?

i dont know if this is the right place to post this question but here goes.

I downloaded the fonts package dsl-artwiz to a hardrive install of  dsl4.2.5

in the info for the font it says to type this into the terminal to make it run.

Code Sample
xset +fp /opt/fonts/artwiz-aleczpka

the problem is i have to type that code in every boot

it says also in the info that i can it to .xinitrc to make it start on everty boot, but i dont know what to put?  
do i just type exactly whats i put  above or do i have to add anything to it or what?

also i would like to have xscrensaver start up at boot also, would i do this the same way?

one other thing is ive seen some other linux distros where you can set everything up so that certain programs come on at startup but are on the specified desktop
(like i want to make firefox come on at startup on desktop2, and have a terminal window on desktop 1, and abiword on desktop 3)

the reason for this is that my computer has a very slow cpu and it takes firefox alone like 30 seconds to open up, but once open i can navigate the web fairly easily

This isn't about starting at boot, per se, but rather when X starts.

Add this to your .xinitrc for the artwiz fonts:
Code Sample
xset +fp /opt/fonts/artwiz-aleczpka &

Yes, do similarly with xscreensaver (which only works when running X):
Code Sample
xscreensaver &

You can also append various options before the ampersand (which you need to add before commands or else X will hang at that spot). Look up the xscreensaver man page.

You can add commands to your .jwmrc to start apps. I don't know how you're fixed on RAM, but that's probably going to be a bigger issue than CPU speed if you get gung ho with opening all this stuff when you startx. These things -- xscreensaver, abiword, and firefox in particular -- use LOTS of RAM when running by themselves. Running them all simultaneously when you start will *not* speed things up but slow everything down. Significantly. Depending how much RAM (+swap) you have, perhaps it will slow things down very drastically. Your choice, but mine wouldn't be to start so much that I end up swapping in my first few minutes (or even hours) of uptime without a good reason.

You can find all the jwmrc variables on this page (start up commands is in the "other settings" section):


ok thanks lucky,

i gonna try it tonight when i get home
(by the way i forgot to mention that i am using fluxbox, i notice that you said .jwmrc is it the same file if i use fluxbox?

i see what you mean about the ram, but right now what i do is open all of those things manually at startup so i can just switch to the destop that there on anytime i want with alt-(F1throghF4) it makes it alot easier to do do stuff when i just leave the most used apps open even when im not using them rather than starting up apps everytime i need them.
(also i leave one desktop clean so theres no clutter when i want to open a new app)

currently with all of the apps running at once it only uses about 1/4 of my ram (while loading webpages and doing homework) and i can instantly swith desktops with no lag.
yet if i were to close firefox and open it again it would take about 60 seconds to completely load up again

(so im sry maybe its not the cpu speed thats slowing things down, but the rate at which data is transfered from the harddisk)

basically i want to take advantage of the extra desktops and use them kinda like a speed dial to my most used apps

o by the way, just to show how much better dsl is than other operating systems.   this computer has a 400 mhz intel celeron and 156Mb ram with a 3.5 GB harddrive, and with the speed dial setup i mentioned above i can navigate the web, check my mail, and get homework done faster than i could with my other computer when i was running vista with an intel pentium dual @1.46 ghz and 1GB ram
(im now running ubuntu on that machine and its a different story)

No, jwmrc works for jwm. I don't know how to do that with fluxbox short of opening everything via .xinitrc and then moving to different desktops. There are other tools that might work if you insist on using fluxbox and it doesn't let you set up specific window:desktop relationships.
I just looked at the fluxbox documentation and I see third-party utilities to do that but not within fluxbox itself.

This has some hefty requirements that you might not care to install just to open a few apps up at boot. Then again, the priorities of some users never cease to amaze me. If you want to run python scripts (think in terms of RAM and CPU cycles) and imlib2 just to have more control over a window manager, more power to you I guess. You may think jwm is kind of pedestrian in comparison, but one of the reasons I prefer it to fluxbox is because it's much more functional out of the box.

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