HD Install :: Installing to HD and cfdisk errors

Now I am trying to figure out how to change the hostname

You wrote above that you did a frugal install, so you only have to use the host= bootcode (add it to the line with other options in your menu.lst).

Actually, I ended up doing the install to disk option at the boot line off the CD. I think I forgot to include the hostname= option at the time I started the installation. D'oh!

I'll probably redo the installation anyway now that I have a better clue as to what to do. I'll also go back to my bigger disk (a whopping 800MB instead of the 340MB I have currently in use) that I was using earlier. Maybe I can even have some swap space.


No need to reinstall, you can change the boot options in a file in /boot (menu.lst for grub, lilo.conf for lilo)

original here.