HD Install :: BOINC Installation.

Okay, so I am suffering some brain damage. I am posting here because I have a HD installation that seems to be working okay now. However, I cannot seem to get BOINC installed and working properly.

What I have done is this:

Download the application from BOINC,
Make executable this shell application.
Run the shell program and all directories seem to be created and programs are executable.

The installation shell ends by telling me that I need to run
/home/dsl/BOINC/run_manager to start BOINC.

I execute this command but it terminates with the complaint that there is an error loading libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file, no such file or directory.

So this sounds like something is missing. Anybody know what that might be? Thanks in advance


It is missing gtk2.  If you are using the latest version of BOINC, it will also miss some X libraries and libstdc++6, the latter which would be most problematic.  Version 5.8.16 works, or at least pulls up, with gtk2 loaded.

Thanks Jason,

Where can I get this version? The BOINC page has me download v5.10.45? I poked around a bit but couldn't find an archive with this load.

Thanks again,

Here is the link:


Oh, I am using gtk+-2.12.9.uci, but it may work with the other gtk2 extensions.  Also you need xorg72.uci loaded.  You do not have to set Xorg up, just need the extension loaded.  It would not work with XFree86 extensions due to I think libXinerama.  In a hard drive install, you may want to use DSL in live mode and copy the contents of the .ucis after loading them to your hard drive to make use of them.  Of course there is also the BOINC versions that are not graphical and would avoid all of that.  I have not tried them though.

EDIT:  Of course after copying the contents of the loaded uci's from the live cd to your hard drive you would have to add the library entries into /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig, but I am sure you already know that.

No, make no assumptions about what I know. I am new to most all of this. Installation of packages is a complete mystery to me.

I did manage to find the 5.8.16 build after I posted, D'oh! (should have looked longer)

I downloaded the packages you mention from MyDSL and now I am unsure what to do. I assume that the MyDSL apps load properly and they are configered but I am sure that is not the case. BOINC still won't run and it exhibits the same error message as before.

Do I need to reboot the system for these libraries to be visible to the application?  

So lost! Thanks again.

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