Multimedia :: Any way to play a midi file?

Sorry jls legalize ,I didnt read your post before I wrote , I have exactly the same problem on my notebook with an older
soundcard , seems it just depends on the compatibility of the soundcard ,since the old device couldnt be configured with ALSA neither (no drivers found). Since I am a Linux newbie please dont ask me to make any dsl packages ,this would be ending up in chaos   :laugh:

timidity is available in the testing area.
That was the only one I got working. =)

To install it from testing area:
Code Sample
mydsl-load timidity.dsl testing

a .uci version will be out soon. it will be configured for low cpu usage.

(is there any interest out there for a 12mb version using eawpats samples?)

Hm.. it seems that freepats has sort of taken over eawpats... (
Though I don't have many midi's that I regularly listen to, quality packs are always welcome, at least, for me (I seem to only recall using Windows specific ones).

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