Multimedia :: volume defaults
Does anybody have any info on where to specify the volume settings on bootup with a hdinstall? I installed aumix, and you can set them there and save it, but on next boot it always starts real low, and I have to turn it back up before I can stream audio. No big deal really, except on my laptop using a touch pad, it's a two handed effort.
Hi all, I have the same problem: can't find where the default volumes are stored. Does anybody know how to adjust the default settings please?
Did you installed the alsadebs.dsl file? If so, you can modify the /etc/aumixrc file to set your default volumes.
I think that you can also get an idea of who is who in all the aumix parameters with aumix --help
If you did not install the alsadebs, I remember that if you install the alsa-utils package under synaptic, you have a script to configure alsa in the file /etc/init.d/alsa. In this file are stored the default settings of the alsa parameters. Check the lines which looks like unmute_set_master "90%" ... and you'll find what you want!
I am currently using the default wmix, I have an hd install, and my audio settings are not kept after reboot.
Anyone knows what to do in this configuration to keep the settings ?
Try this:
sudo apt get install aumix
Then add a new aumix command inside your /opt/ that will set your volume/audio settings on every bootup.
You can learn about the structure of the aumix commands by typing:
aumix --help
or google for
man aumix
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