Multimedia :: Want to receive streaming video

Been poking around the with Mplayer and Xine, but so far I am not having any success viewing streaming video from my MythTV box on my home network to my DSL box.
My DSL box and MythTV box are on the same network, DSL box is wireless, MythTV box is hardwired.
Was able to hear the audio, kind of, using xmms, but it wsa very choppy at best.
I have the codecpak.dsl installed and am using DSL 1.5 on a HDD install. ( i know, i know, i preach about other installs.....)
Intel PII oc'd to 466Mhz, 224Mb ram.

Have used Mplayer with success on another distro as well as *cough-win-cough-amp* on a *cough-xp-cough* machine.

The MythTV box will stream with varying parameters:
Codec: DIV3  or  WMV2
Video Speed: 128 thru 500
Audio Speed: 32 thru 128
Video FPS: 5 thru 25
Stream Protocol: mms or http

Any suggestions? (i MUST watch Star Trek on this DSL boxen)

I will also watch this post. Like you I have an old box I need to put to work. All my media files are stored on a new and fast dual core box. But after I clocked it it made some much noise I had to put it in a closet.

So I need to stream video files from my mainpc and to my oldpc. This is actually underclocked so it works silently, and uses a cf card as storage. I have a old ATI card with TV out, and will also get a new Gb lan cause I was told streaming would go a lot faster then. (and I allready have cat 6 cable layed out)

How do I manage to get video feed to work? Like you I only get the sound, no pictures. I am a linux noob and does not know alot about the pingvin.

If people have been able to make video-stream work with DSL pls let us know. And if anyone has a step-by-step guide I would be happy to read it


original here.