Multimedia :: No Sound

Hi, all,
I d/l, burned to CD, and installed DSL 2.1 to HD last night. I followed the steps for a Debian type install from the Getting Started page, including the steps for GNU and Debian compatability (upgrading to GNU utils, enabling Apt, installing dsl-dpkg.dsl). Not bad!!!! One prob I'm having, though, is that I can't get dsl to recognise my sound card (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16). The comp accepts it; I know this because it works fine when running win98. I tried installing Alsa from my dsl, but after d/l, it gave a checksum error and quit. There has to be some type of sound program installed, because I have dmix on my desktop. Can I just use synaptic to get alsa? And, how can I get the system to recognise my sound card?



BTW - the system dsl's on is: Pentium S (120mHz), 80meg RAM, 1.5gb HD, cd-rom, floppy. Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 Sound card, NIC. Not exactly flash, but dsl's doing the job on it!  :laugh:

Have you tried running sudo modprobe sb from an xterminal?  That works sometimes for soundblaster cards.  You might need to add you IRQ and DMA as well:

sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

Quote (clacker @ Jan. 24 2006,18:45)
Have you tried running sudo modprobe sb from an xterminal?  That works sometimes for soundblaster cards.  You might need to add you IRQ and DMA as well:

sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

I tried both...... no dice. They didn't even give me an output! Any other suggestions?

EDIT - I just ran cat  /proc/modules, and this is what I got as far as sound goes:

sb                               7796      0  (unused)
sb_lib                        33518     0   [sb]
uart401                       6052     0   [sb_lib]
sound                        55244    0    [sb_lib uart401]
soundcore                  3428      5   [sb_lib sound]

EDIT - I was just looking at DSL System Stats/dmesg, and it says that no ISA pnp cards were detected. My Sound Blaster 16 is an ISA card. However, toward the end, it says:

Soundblaster audio driver....
sb: No ISAPnP cards found, trying standard ones
SB: 4.13 detected OK (220)

So, it would seem that maybe the card is installed, but I just can't get it to work. Too bad there isn't some kind of soundcard config tool in the control panel...

EDIT - Ok, I'm an idiot. The <su modprobe sb> did work; now, the prob is that every time I start the comp cold, or reboot it, I have to do the modprobe again, to get my sound back. Is there any way I can force the comp to do the modprobe during boot? That way, when the comp finishes booting, the sound will already be set up and I won't have to do it manually.

Thanks guys,


i went through the same struggles mor or less.
I ended up putting the modprobe configuration string in /opt/
And you have to add /opt/ in $HOME/.filetool.lst.
If you want some sound playerto start automatically at X startup, put xmms & for example in $HOME/.xinitrc (before the exec instructions at the end).

Sorry if that is obvious to you, it was not for me.
One thing is that dmix starts at half scale and i don't know how to save its settings. No relevant doc found anywhere.

hello, I had problems with the sound in my laptop compaq armada 1500c and try the following line:

 sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

put it in the /opt/ and have fun!!


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