Multimedia :: DSL into a media (audio) center ?
I've just spent hours trying to install BMPx on DSL but to no avail...
I am trying to turn this old laptop into a music player, with all my songs on it. DSL boots perfectly on this machine, with no problems at all. Sound is also automatically configured. Thumbs up for DSL !
Xmms is installed by default. Problem with xmms is that it lacks a nice media list editor, where you can list and sort and play your songs in the order you choose. I've tried Qbble (xmms-qbble), but it is quite rudimentary, and therefore frustrating.
I've tried to apt-get install xmms2, bmp, bmpx, audacity... searching on the net and trying different repositories for sources.list, but so far nothing works. I always bump into broken dependencies.
I have even tried compiling sources but it soon gets awfully complicated, with various dependencies that you have to compile first...
In short, so far, I haven't been able to have anything works.
Has anyone turned DSL into a nice media center ? I'd be happy to hear your experiences and get this working.
There is an audacity .dsl in the repository. Had it working on DSL 1.5. Keep us posted on your progress, I want to build a media center one day as well.
Aaaah yes indeed how dumb of me to have missed audacity ! sorry about that.
Now, I am still missing this neat media sorting application that I am looking for. Find and group songs instantly by typing by author, titles, file names, etc... organise your songs for the evening in a few clicks, press play and enjoy the rest of the evening with your friends with a quiet laptop playing music on your stereo in a corner of the room. That's what I am after. Winamp or Itune do that quite well, I'd love to see the same in DSL and be able to reuse that old junk of a laptop that I paid dearly for a too few couple of years back...
will keep looking, trying, tweaking, & will post if I find anything
now, if anyone has done some work on the subject already, I am all ears !
Thanks !
I was playing around a little with SnackAmp in DSL a few weeks ago....the server seems to be a bit buggy, but the player is kinda interesting (requires Tcl/Tk).
You might find something here:
original here.