Multimedia :: Can't get Mplayer runnig
I've installed DSL 2.0 on my hard drive on a MMX 200 MHz. I've installed Mplayer through a .dsl file.
But when I try running it nothing happens. When I try through the console I get this message: "Illegal Instruction".
What could be wrong? Am I missing a library?
Perhaps you have encoutered the same problem as me : it doesn't work if mplayer is not installed safely after DSL is started. If it is loaded at boot time, it fails.
If you put the downloaded tar.gz file in a place where you can retreive it after DSL is up and running, and use the myDSL key in Emelfm on it, you may have more success.
Note that if you use the special mplayerXfree86 you must have XFree86.dsl and nvidia.dsl extension loaded at boot time (and the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and $HOME/.xserverrc files configured for Xfree86 and nvidia as detailed in the download instructions or teh help files that come with the applis).
Hope its of some help...
Did that help. I have the same problem. I have the EPIA MII, and Mplayer doesn't work. I have had good luck on other systems. I am using the plain flavor of mplayer.
Please try mplayer with the new 2.3RC1.
There was an adjustment just for such condition.
It didn't happen with jwm but did with fluxbox and xtdesk.
original here.