Multimedia :: Wrong Xfree+nvidia+mplayer appli load sequence
Hi all,
Mplayer works fine on my system if i install it after Xfree86 and the nvidia drivers. However, if i just put all of those in my boot device root, Mplayer will install first, because it has .gz extension, and Xfree + nvidia will come only after.
When trying to start the player under those conditions it usually crashes teh system with some varying degrees of severity.
Any way to gain some control over the sequence ? I've tried adding figures before the name, but to no avail. And i suppose it wouldn't be a good idea to change the gz extension...., so i'm stuck. Anyone gone throught that ?
Running a frugal-like installation...
I don't think mplayer affects anything. It's most likely gl libs of one extension overwriting those of the other. If i remember correctly, nvidia should be installed after XFree86 (which should occur anyway, since uppercase X comes before lowercase n). It could also be an issue with your XF86Config file.
It would be very helpful if you could give us the error messages, as specific as possible.
Might not help, but you could try renaming the files (eg add a letter to the front), so that they load in a particular order... I know I had to do that for something, but can't remember what...
Thanks for the quick answer, but it seems i cannot reproduce the problem, now, it just works. Could it be because i did not always activate the nvidia driver in XF86Config-4 ? There were no error messages anyway, i just lost control over the graphic interface. But i will try to log more information if it ever reappears. Sorry for the disturbance if it does not.
However the question about control of the load sequence remains. Or does it never matter?
Just wanted to add the following details for those trying to optimize their video setup :
On my good old 400 Mhz/64 MB system, activating the dma boot option, as well as the cache in Mplayer preferences Misc menu with a high enough value (say 8192 or perhaps 16384) makes a very big difference (provides a smooth enough motion in full screen).
I am also using hdparm -E 5 /dev/cdrom to kill the cdrom noise (up to E 10 is tolerable, slow speeds would tend to require bigger cache).
Using DSL 2.2 with Xfree86, Nvidia, and the related special Mplayer apps.
It happened again !!!
No error message at boot time, everything is perfect until i click on the Media player Icon. The display panel opens but is just filled with a uniform color. The control panel is there but filled with some black steps in a roughly triangular shape and ... The system is completely frozen. The only thing i can still do is move the mouse pointer about, but clicking has no effect. No way to switch to an alternate console. The only way out is to reset the machine (and loose all the session data). Isn't that a shame ?
If i just load Xfree and Nvidia at boot time, and use Emelfm to install Mplayer from disk afterwards, i have no problem.
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