Multimedia :: Wrong Xfree+nvidia+mplayer appli load sequence
Yes you're right, the problem is there. But i already have the mplayer .gz file on some directory on /dev/hdg3, and can load it from emelfm after DSL has launched. In those conditions , it works. Only iwas hoping it could be done completely automatically, as with the other apps.
As for hdg3, it is just that i access my hard disk through a HTP 366 chipset for UDMA66, seen as EXT by the bios. Hence the exotic name . I am glad DSL has reverted to Linux 2.4, as 2.6 has a problem with those chips. One lesee problem to worry about.
Thanks for the asistance anyway. Still some experimenting to do on my side.
Thanks to adraker informations , i changed the .tar.gz mplayer extension to .dsl, and i also added a 0 in front of XFree86, a 1 in dront of nvidia, and a 2 in front of mplayer.
That way, the applis do load in the sequence i wanted and the mplayer icon appears on the DSL desktop.
In that sense, the original question of the thread has been solved.
However, as anticipated, clicking on the icon still freezes the system .So the basic goal of having mplayer install automatically and work correctly like the other apps is not fullfilled. I have little hope about that and think i'll have to stick with some of the post startup manual install proposal for the time being.
4ive finally settled on a fully automatic solution :
Xfree86.dsl and nvidia.dsl are in / in my boot partition and load the normal way in teh correct order since X in uppercase is seen before n. Then i add in .xinitrc before the final $DESKTOP section with the execs :
mydsl-load /(mplayer path)/mplayer-xfree86.tar.gz
That way mplayer is intalled only after X is up and running. No intervention necessary at start-up and the player does not freeze the system anymore.
original here.