Multimedia :: mplayer playlist problem

I'm using mplayer from the commandline with the command

mplayer -fs -zoom -playlist playlist.txt

the problem is that everytime another movie is starting mplayer is closing and opening again. Is it possible to give a command that mplayer stays at the maximum size and just plays the next movie without closing first.

I need to play a lot of small movies and just want to have a black screen between the movies and not a screen where I can see the background processes and


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This *might* work, though i haven't done much testing with it:
-fixed-vo (BETA CODE!)
             Enforces  a  fixed  video  system  for  multiple files (one (un)initialisation for all files).
             Therefore only one window will be opened for all files.  Currently the following  drivers  are
             fixed-vo compliant: gl, gl2, mga, svga, x11, xmga, xv, xvidix and dfbmga.

original here.