Multimedia :: setting up "mp3 box" using mpg123

the point is: i will have a maschine with some devices full of mp3 music and   it will boot up to the shell...
so i have only a keyboard to type a shell command, like accessing my script with

findmp3 /dir/to/mp3/ [a search string maybe to find special mp3] [ADD if i want to add the files to the playlist] [shuffle to play in shuffe mode]

findmp3 /sdb1/ * * shuffle
plays all mp3s on second usb device in shufflemod

and i dont need to see somethin to type in this. i know where i have which mp3s ;-)

and LATER...i will install a 4x40 LCD display current title or scroll through a directory listing...but thats a lot of work to be done, and i will do that in C cause i dont know bash good enough....i will keep you up to date with some screens too...for now its only simple headless mp3box..used by justed typing in mp3s on keyboard or access via SSH

i got one more point, the commands you told me work fine with mp3blaster, so i might use it aswell, but my problem is, that i didnt figure out already, how to pass file script doesnt work for it, so can you tell me, how to start mp3blaster with multiple files as commandline argument or a file list or something like that. would be great!


Okay just remember where your mp'3 are :-) LCD display is also my fantasy.
I'm not at home at the moment so I cannot test but I thought the command was mp3blaster -a playlist.lst
Otherwise there is some info about mp3blaster on the internet this is the webpage

I also want to build an mp3box and I want to use mp3blaster, but i've got a problem with installing it.
when i do ./configure may machine says I need a ncurses library.
so i've downloaded this library (libncurses.dsl or so) manualy from the ftp and installed it as described in the info-file.
when I do ./configure now it happens the same as before...
whats wrong?
how can I check if this ncurses-thing is installed correctly and what does it actually do?

I'm a new to this.
Is it possible for me to install and run DSL on a Pentium166MHz PC with 16 MB RAM
and use it as a juke box/ music player?
Can somebody help me with step by step instructions to start with?

original here.