Multimedia :: how to install divx codecs on dsl ?

Hello, I'm new

I have a very basic question

I don't understand how to install divx codecs (6.1.1) on my DSL with HD install (1.2.1), I simply have an archive in .gz and I have try "gunzip xxxxx.gz" but don't work "no such file or directory" can't open..

Anyone can SIMPLY explain the way to follow ?

thanx at all

This doesn't really answer your question, but i believe mplayer already supports divx/xvid through the use of ffmpeg.
Quote (mikshaw @ Mar. 05 2006,10:27)
This doesn't really answer your question, but i believe mplayer already supports divx/xvid through the use of ffmpeg.

wich is the lighter mplayer or ffmpeg ?
mplayer is the application, ffmpeg includes libavcodec, which, as far as i know, allows you to play mpeg4.  Since I haven't used mplayer a lot in DSL i'm not sure about this, but i think it was compiled into the mplayer mydsl extension.  Otherwise you might try the mydsl codec pack.
I'm trying to play some *.wmv files through firefox. I have to save to disk and open from there. Sound usually doesnt work on *.wmv but it does on *.mpg.

How can I set up my DSL system and firefox so the *.wmv files are automatically run in the way that *.mpg files are?

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