Multimedia :: Unable to play internet streaming radio
I have 2.1 Hd installed. I want to listen from the stream such as this site but always get "missing plugin" message. My wind*w box uses wmplayer and plays OK. Back to my DSL, installed the mplayer and mplayerplug-in from MyDSL icon w/o any lucks. I also tried xmms and xine but not any better. Please help!Googled around, I found this site which claimed to have the correct plugin to play *.wma on the web. I am too new to linux to understand the installation guide. The site does not offer any forums there for me to ask around. I am coming back here, hopefully someone will be kind enough to break down the guide. This cut/paste from mplayerplug-in site: @@@@@@@@@@@@ Compiling mplayerplug-in
The Mozilla development files are needed to compile this code To get the Mozilla development files there are two options
1. mozilla-devel package (includes pkg-config files) The mozilla-devel package may come with your distribution and it is an optional install. Try using apt-get or yum or your package installer to obtain the package. Version 1.6 or higher are the only kits known to work. 2. gecko-sdk The gecko-sdk can be obtained from (version 1.6 or higher of the SDK are the only ones that work). Only use gecko-sdk 1.7 for versions of Mozilla and Firefox based on gecko 1.7. See the about dialog and check the rv: info. Extract the tar file in some directory
The GTK development files are needed to compile this code
To get the latest source from CVS do the following
cd to some directory
cvs login (just hit enter for password)
cvs -z3 co mplayerplug-in
or, if you have already downloaded from CVS before.
cd [cvs root]/mplayerplug-in cvs update -PAd
download the source for v3.21 here: mplayerplug-in-3.21.tar.gz
tar -xzvf mplayerplug-in-3.21.tar.gz cd mplayerplug-in
BUILDING In the mplayerplug-in directory type
Compilation options --with-gecko-sdk=/path/to/gecko-sdk (replace /path/to with the correct value) --enable-gtk2 (default option, use if mozilla is linked to gtk2 libs) --enable-gtk1 (use if mozilla is linked to gtk1 libs (usually if fonts in mozilla are not smooth)) --enable-x (use if you don't know if your mozilla is linked to gtk1 or gtk2) --enable-wmp (Enable Windows Media Support, enabled by default) --enable-qt (Enable QuickTime Media Support, enabled by default) --enable-rm (Enable Real Media Support, enabled by default) --enable-gmp (Enable Google Media Support, enabled by default) --prefix (Used to set where the language files install to defaults to /usr/local)
Examples: To configure with defaults: ./configure
if you are using gecko-sdk do the following ./configure --with-gecko-sdk=/path/to/gecko-sdk (replace /path/to with the correct value)
if you are using gecko-sdk and gtk1 ./configure --with-gecko-sdk=/path/to/gecko-sdk --enable-gtk1
If you get this error during configure: checking for mozilla-plugin... Package mozilla-plugin was not found in the pkg-config search path.
You need to use the gecko-sdk option. Using gecko-sdk 1.6 with an earlier version of mozilla seems to be ok. NOTE:Using the gecko 1.7 SDK with a 1.6 version of Mozilla does not work. Use gecko-sdk 1.6 for Mozilla 1.6.x and gecko-sdk 1.7 for Mozilla 1.7.x
If you can't figure out what you need try running
in the mplayerplug-in directory.
After configure is done and successful: make
If during the make process you get an error about missing "mozilla-config.h" and you are not using the gecko-sdk. You need to use the gecko-sdk because your mozilla-devel package is incomplete.
The results of that command should produce files called
For the system: File locations may vary so you may need to look where to install these files.
Running make install as root, tries to figure out where you have mozilla install and then installs the plugins in that location. It may only install for mozilla in this case.
For Debian/Ubuntu cp mplayerplug-in*.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins cp mplayerplug-in*.xpt /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components
Restart mozilla
To install just the language files Do this as root.
cd (to the directory where you untarred mplayerplug-in) cd mplayerplug-in cd po make install @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@did you try installing the codecpak.dsl extention?
Quote (doobit @ Mar. 19 2006,17:31)
did you try installing the codecpak.dsl extention?
Thank you for the reply! I installed the codecpak.dsl from the MyDSL > System > then reboot the system but it did not help.
1) Build & install a fully functional copy of MPlayer. If you need help doing that, see my SxS here. 2) Download the plugin here. I recommend grabbing the source tarball, however the RPM should work just fine, if that's what you're more comfortable with. 3) Either install the RPM, or extract the tarball archive that you downloaded in a temporary location, and then run 'make' to compile the plugin. 4) As root, copy into the plugins directory for Mozilla. For example, on my boxes, I install Mozilla in /opt/mozilla/. So, I would copy the file into /opt/mozilla/plugins. 5) (Re)start mozilla, and click on Help -> About Plugins from the menu. You should see a section labeled "mplayerplug-in ..." and it should say "YES" under the Enabled column. I skipped (1) - Proceeded to (2) to get the tarball, but I am stuck at (3) b/c I don't know how to to do the "make"
Please help!did you try mplayer.dsl and codecpak.dsl? Next Page...
original here.